Review of The Green Store

Green Store

A major player in the French cannabidiol market, The Green Store is one of the best CBD stores in France. Thanks to high product quality and a rich catalog, this site has become a benchmark in the field. To find out more, here's a review of The Green Store. Presentation ... Read more

Categories cbd

CBD sales website: review of CBD Farm

the cbd farm

Owned by the Sweet Taste company, La Ferme du CBD is one of the most popular CBD sales sites in France. In fact, the many favorable comments from web users attest to this reputation. To find out all you need to know about the cannabidiol e-commerce platform, read our review of La Ferme ... Read more

Categories cbd

What is the best CBD hash?


CBD hash or CBD resin is one of many types of cannabidiol-based products. There are several online sales platforms offering CBD hash on the web. However, it's not easy to judge their quality. Here's a guide to the best CBD hash on the market. ... Read more

Categories cbd

Reviews of JustBob

justbob notice

Buying CBD on the web is becoming increasingly easy and popular with the many cannabidiol consumers in France. Today, there are several platforms where you can buy cannabidiol-based products. JustBob is currently one of the market leaders. To find out more... Read more

Categories cbd

Quid on the best CBD site

cbd website

With so many CBD sites on the web, it's not always easy to find the ideal platform. Each site has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to look at the features of each one before making a choice. Here's a ranking of the best CBD sites on the web. JustBob Presentation ... Read more

Categories cbd

Buy CBD resin in bulk

hash cbd

Hashish, better known as CBD resin, is a molecule extracted from the cannabis plant. It is similar to a compact, greasy, sticky or dry paste, depending on the extraction method and the type of flower chosen. It is one of the best-known derivatives of CBD. In this article, you'll ... Read more

Categories cbd

What is CBD and what are its benefits?


The cannabis market is undergoing a major revolution, thanks in part to the legalization of cannabidiol (CBD). This compound is one of the most controversial substances of recent decades, although it does not cause the psychoactive effects associated with marijuana. It's not just because it's fashionable to ... Read more

Categories cbd

How is the cbd made?

Le CBD ne cesse de se démocratiser au fil des années. Ce dernier connaît un succès énorme, qui permet de propulser ce nouvel or vert au sommet. Mais quelle est l’origine du CBD, et surtout, à partir de quelle plante il est fabriqué ?  De nombreuses zones d’ombres pour le CBD ?  Il existe de … Read more

Categories cbd

Where to find CBD in Besançon ?

cbd cannabis leaf

Les spécialistes reconnaissent désormais les propriétés tranquillisantes et antalgiques du CBD. Depuis la légalisation de ces produits, il est facile d’en trouver un peu partout, notamment à Besançon. CBD Besançon : un commerce florissant Même si la législation française demeure encore floue, en général les produits à base de chanvre sont commercialisés librement. À condition d’avoir … Read more

Categories cbd

Can you drive while using CBD?

woman and cbd

De plus en plus populaire, ces dernières années, le CBD s’est imposé comme un produit phare pour les amateurs de bien-être et de relaxation. En effet, il a des effets bénéfiques et fait alors office de remède contre diverses affections. Avant de consommer des produits à base de cannabidiol, il est néanmoins important de se … Read more

Categories cbd